Glow Enhancing Vitamins: exfoliating with non abrasive particles

Exfoliation can work wonders in your skincare regime - sloughing away dead skin cells, helping skin to appear brighter and, more importantly, improving absorption of products you apply to your skin. That is all great news, but the exfoliator you choose is important. Many exfoliators feel great in use but can strip away and damage the delicate lipid layer on the skin.

Why choose enzyme exfoliation?

We often hear that exfoliation should be once a week maximum, but choose a gentle exfoliator and you can enjoy the cleansing and invigorating benefits much more frequently. Fruit enzymes offer a gentle approach to exfoliation and an alternative to harsher physical exfoliators. Two fruit extracts to look for are pomegranate and pineapple.


  • Pomegranate: the active fruit enzyme is excellent at removing impurities and unclogging blocked pores. It is a natural skin rejuvenator, stimulating skin cell renewal.






  • Pineapple: this vitamin-rich fruit, delivers Vitamins C and E to support collagen renewal and to brighten the skin tone. The Bromelain enzyme will break down dead skin cells, soften and improve clarity to give a more supple and youthful look. Additionally, pineapple is an anti-inflammatory, so helps to calm the skin and its antioxidant property helps to protect against pollution.




Bio-active Skincare

Nourish London’s Kale Enzymatic Exfoliator contains both Pomegranate and Pineapple fruit enzymes that provide this gentle exfoliation and can even be used daily. Packed with bio-actives, this brings additional skin benefits.

  • Kale and Griffonia extracts: Detoxify skin, removing pollutants and protecting against further damage from pollution. The special properties of the enzyme system in the Kale help to protect the DNA structure of the cells whilst the high antioxidant content protects against damage.
  • Sorbitol & Yeast extract: Invigorates the skin’s natural defences and protects against harmful effects of UVB exposure. Clinical testing of this extract has shown skin appears smoother with improved elasticity and tone after 28 days.
  • Hyaluronic acid: Boosting levels of hyaluronic acid during this stage of cleansing will increase moisture and leave skin looking plumped and smooth. As we age, levels of hyaluronic acid decrease and supplementing this helps to maintain flexible healthy looking skin.

View our Kale Enzymatic Exfoliator